Ocean Pines ROC
The ROC also known as the "Residents Oversight Community" created for the residents of Ocean Pines to communicate and share factual information. Lets talk about what's important to the residents of Ocean Pines and how things affect the community.
Living in an Homeowners Associations (HOA)? The ROC stays up to date with all that goes on in the Ocean Pines HOA. The Good and the Bad.
Note: Ocean Pines ROC Inc., is independent and NOT affiliated or part of the Ocean Pines Association
38 episodes
Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 38 - Worcester County Department of Social Services, Helping to Protect Seniors and Vulnerable Adults
Worcester County Department of Social Services / Adult Protective ServicesHelp the Elderly or Vulnerable Adults from financial exploitation which involves wrongfully taking or using an older adult’s funds or property thr...
Episode 38

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 37 - 2024 OPA Board of Directors Election is off to a Questionable Start!
The 2024 OPA Election is off to a questionable start. Directors Farr and Heavner are running to retain their seats. The BIG questions are: Where is the Search Committee? Is the Board disregarding the governing...
Episode 37

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 36 - OPA's Season Kickoff & Expo a First Ever Event
Don't miss Ocean Pines first ever Season Kickoff & Expo Event on Saturday April 20th from 3-7pm at White Horse Park.Explore Ocean Pines Amenities, Activities, Clubs & Businesses along with so many Exhibitors & Sponsor...
Episode 36

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 35 - Landscaping Solutions for Drainage, Beautification and More with Scotland Yards Landscaping
Landscaping Solutions for Drainage, Beautification, Maintenance, Cleanup, Safety and more as we talk with Andy Park, owner of Scotland Yards Landscaping who provides service to Ocean Pines, Berlin, Ocean City and the surrounding areas! &...
Episode 35

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 34 - Worcester County Department of Social Services, Foster Care and how you can help!
Worcester County Department of Social Services / Child Protective Services shares the services of DSS and outlines the services of DSS and how local families can help with Foster Care.------Foster Care is a tempor...
Episode 34

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 33 - Worcester County Schools on Banning Books and Funding. Will the Commissioners fail our Students & Faculty?
Worcester County Schools on Banning Library Books, School Funding/Budget and the concerns of parents that our Commissioners will underfund the required budget and begin putting much needed programs on the chopping block. Will the Commissi...
Episode 33

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 32 - Democracy or Dictatorship in an HOA?
Does your HOA operate as a Democracy or a Dictatorship under a Board Majority or Board Super Majority? Is the Board Majority listening to its Association Members and its Committee Members? Is the Board Majority ignoring the governin...
Episode 32

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 31 - OPA Board Operating with NO Code of Ethics & Conduct Policy
Why is the OPA Board of Directors operating without a Code of Ethics & Conduct (Resolution B-08) and why was it rescinded on June 16, 2021? Listen to some of the history surrounding Resolution B-08 and the need to reinstate Resolution...
Episode 31

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 30 - Volunteering, the Benefits and How to Connect
Be involved in your community by volunteering. Listen to the benefits and opportunities along with information on how to connect with Committees, Clubs and Social Groups here in Ocean Pines and the Surrounding areas.References Inc...
Episode 30

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 29 - Community Surveys, is the Board listening or ignoring its Community Members?
Ocean Pines Community Surveys. Is the current BOD's listening to the homeowners or are they on a mission of their own to do and change as they see fit? Are the surveys with this BOD's a thing of the past? Ocean Pines Surveys ...
Episode 29

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 28 - Proposed Sports Facility, where will it LAND?
The proposed Sports Facility, the Project that continues on! Where will the facility LAND? Will it be built In Ocean City, Berlin, Ocean Pines or somewhere completely new? Where are we today and what are the details?
Episode 28

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 27 - Ocean Pines Chamber of Commerce BOLD move with NAME CHANGE and MORE
Ocean Pines Chamber of Commerce is changing their name and will now be known as the Worcester County Chamber of Commerce. Learn more about what the Chamber of Commerce is all about and how it can help your business and your community.
Episode 27

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 26 - School Safety and the Reporting of Student Incidents, Law Enforcement & the School Board
Worcester County School Safety discussions amidst differences between the Sheriff's Office and the Board Of Education in addressing student behavior and the reporting of student incidents to the SRO. Discussions also include the need for ...
Episode 26

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 25 - Board Member Enrages OPVFD - Contract Negotiation Skills Necessary for Board of Directors
The importance of negotiations, maintaining confidentiality and knowing when to speak to the press are all necessary skills for the Board of Directors.
Episode 25

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 24 - Freedom of the Press in Ocean Pines, Maryland
Freedom of the press or freedom of the media is the fundamental principle that communication and expression through various media, including printed and electronic media, especially published materials, should be considered a right to be exerci...
Episode 24

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 23 - Diakonia - A Local Nonprofit, Who They Are and How YOU can HELP with Diakonia's Executive Director Ken Argot
Helping Worcester County and the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland for 50 years!Diakonia is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization that has been providing services for the homeless for almost 50 years.There are many way...
Episode 23

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 22 - Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department Southside Station Renovation Project
ROC BUZZ keeping up to date with the necessary renovations to the OPVFD, the status of the project, presentation materials, funding recommendations, grants, reserves, and more. How much will it cost homeowners and what is the status? &nbs...
Episode 22

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 21 - Estimated Cost $450,000-$650,000 for new Dedicated Boardroom Buildout - Waste or Necessary?
With an estimated cost of $450,000 - $650,000 is a Dedicated Boardroom necessary for the Ocean Pines Board of Directors? Are they planning on building a room or a new Ocean Pines Home? Is this really necessary or a waste of HOA fees...
Episode 21

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 20 - OP Former Police Chief Leo Ehrisman Breaks Silence
Ocean Pines Police Chief Leo Ehrisman Breaks Silence - Forced into mandatory Retirement after 37 years of service. Listen to His Life & Dedication to the Ocean Pines Community.
Episode 20

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 19 - Digital Signage for OP Northgate YES or NO?
The Ocean Pines Communications Committee is still talking about replacing the current informational signs on Ocean Parkway with Digital, Neon, Electronic, Bright Light signs. Will they be in the median or will they be directly in front of...
Episode 19

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 18 - OP Police Officer Explains Shed Break-In
ROC BUZZ talks with Police Officer Chris Tarr from the Ocean Pines Police Department about the infamous Shed Breaking of December 17, 2022 and what he experienced himself during this time.
Episode 18

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 17 - Are New Rules and Fines needed in Ocean Pines?
Living in Ocean Pines with an HOA and Rules to be followed. This episode reviews what the DR's are about, where to find them, should they be changed, are there fines and what is Compliance, Permit and Inspections (CPI) here in Ocean Pines.<...
Episode 17

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 16 - 2023 BOD Election Result Details
The Ocean Pines BOD Election Results along with voting details, costs & more. Could this year's election result in a Super Board Majority or will some members begin to work independently and divert from the 2022 Board Majorities way o...
Episode 16

Ocean Pines ROC BUZZ Episode 15 - Committee Apology - I Echo Your Apology
Committee Members disparaging hard working & successful OPA employees. Do committee members need to learn more about the success of our OPA employees and for what purpose are they ripping into employees and under whose direction are t...
Episode 15